Tag: vanilla sugar

Mazurek toppings ideas

We have prepared for you a few of our ideas on how to decorate your Mazurek but not only. You can use these ideas and mix them with any cake you like. So go have a look and choose your favorite cake topping.

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Mazurek – Polish Easter cake

The Easter is here and there wouldn’t be this family celebration without some traditional Polish Mazurek. We know you all think this is a very difficult cake but let us guide you through this process and you will impress everybody with a delicious cake in no time.
Also you can do this cake on any occasion it is so easy and delicious! So what are you waiting for? Try it!

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Buttermilk pancakes with apples

Inspired by childhood memories, we decided to reproduce the recipe for buttermilk pancakes with apples. They are yummy, fluffy and only require simple ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen. So let’s start.

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Syrniki (Russian pancakes based on cottage cheese)

Syrniki, or Russian pancakes based on dry cottage cheese – are a popular dish of Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian cuisine. Name of pancakes is coming from Russian “syr”, which meant “cottage cheese” in the old times and nowadays means “cheese”. Syrniki are traditionally served with sour cream. However, sometimes it is also served with honey or jam, preferably homemade. A perfect and fast dish for breakfast.

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