Tag: Breakfast

Banana and coffee milkshake

Here is something to keep you energized for those rainy summer days (and not only). It is a great alternative to your morning coffee and it can also be a breakfast on the go if you’re in a hurry.

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Loaded Pancakes

This is for the savoury tooth in the household who is over all the sweet pancake business! This easy recipe will take you only 30 minutes to complete from preparation to eating.

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Pancakes are great for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Here you will find a variety of different pancakes sweet and savoury. Check them out!

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Peanut Butter Power Balls

So here is something sweet, healthy and soooo easy. It takes 5 to 10 minutes to make these snacks full of healthy ingredients. There is no baking involved so what are you waiting for? What you need is the following ingredients and you good to go!

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