This gingerbread cake is a rescue recipe just before holidays. There are less and
When you are overcome by the holidays’ craziness and you are not keeping up with the tasks, we come to you with a great solution: recipe of extra quick plum–chocolate gingerbread cake, which can be done without much effort in a blink of an eye. This will be your secret trick when you suddenly realize that you have unexpected guests in an hour and you don’t have any dessert for them.
You can make this gingerbread for Christmas, or when an unexpected guest pays you a visit, or just when it’s winter or autumn weather outside and you want a cup of warm tea with a piece of cake with your family 🙂
So let’s start now, as the recipe is waiting for you already!
Ingredients for gingerbread cake:
- Jar of plum jam (250 g) or preferably choco-plum jam
- 250g of milk
- 200g of flour
- 100g of butter
- 3 eggs
- 50g of sugar
- 20g of powdered sugar (for sprinkling the finished gingerbread)
- 2tbs of honey
- 2 tbs of cocoa powder
- 2 tsp of gingerbread spice or pumpkin spice
- 1 tsp of baking soda
- 1 tsp of baking powder
- Melt the butter in a saucepan,
add cocoa powder , gingerbread spice (or pumpkin spice) and honey. Mix all ingredientsthoroughly to create a smooth mixture. Add milk, mix it, add eggs and mix welleverything with a whisk. - Turn on the oven at 180 degrees C so it heats up while you are preparing the dough.
- Put the flour into a clean bowl, add sugar, baking soda
and baking powder, mix everything. Add the prepared mixture from the saucepan to the dry ingredients and mix everything together withmixer on low speed or with a wooden spoon. You only need the ingredients to combine into a smooth dough. - Pour the dough into a large baking tray (about 40×30 cm) lined with baking paper. Put in the oven and bake for 20 minutes (to the so-called – dry stick).
- Cut the finished cake in two (not horizontally), spread one half with plum jam or preferably a choco-plum jam and cover with the other half. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and it’s ready!!! Quick and tasty!

Our advice:
P.S. If you use a classic plum jam or one bought in a store, you can pour some mixture of melted chocolate and butter (100 g of dark chocolate combine with 50g of butter) on top of the cake. When we use the choco-plum jam, there is no need for this, because the jam “does” all the work for the cake and gives it that amazing and unique taste.
You will probably be surprised that we cut the gingerbread into two halves, and do not cut horizontally into 2 layers. This has been done on purpose because we give you a quick recipe for the last moment when there really is no time left. We know when you have time pressure it is better to simplify every step. You can also use a smaller 20×30 cm baking tray when you will need to slice the gingerbread horizontally into 2 layers and put the jam on the bottom one and cover it with a top one.
Here you will find our other options for the Christmas table.
Send to us photos of your creation and tag us on social media @cravemonkeypl (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook).