Here in Poland, there is no house where you will not find herring on the Christmas table. Therefore we are bringing you a classical edition of herring with onion in olive oil. Yes for all you Poles it already might be a twist as typically it is not the olive oil that is used for this dish :). But here at CRAVEmonkey, we believe that it is exactly this ingredient that takes the herring to the next level. Try it and you will know what we mean.

There are also many further variations to this combination but we want to start with the simple and classic one so you will have a proper introduction and base. And then you can play with this dish as a next step. 

Ingredients for herring with onion in olive oil:

  • herring (2 packs – make sure there is no vinegar in them as that makes change the flavour of the dish). Here in Poland, we recommend Lisner – this post is not sponsored :P.   
  • 1 large onion (we used white but any is good)
  • 1/2 cup of olive oil (you can use other oils but this is the preferred by us oil)


  1. Cut herring in slices of a width of up to 2 cm and place aside.
  2. Cut the onion into as large or as little chunks as you like. Some prefer the onion be almost like paste others like the grittiness of the big pieces. Therefore this decision is up to you!
  3. In a jar layer, the herring and onion (starting and finish with onion) until your jar is full. Do not squash the herring and the onion.
  4. Add the olive oil to the jar slowly (it should reach the bottom)
  5. Set aside for a few hours (we recommend overnight) and then you can enjoy this traditional Polish dish.

Here you will find our other options for the Christmas table.

Send to us photos of your creation and tag us on social media @cravemonkeypl (TwitterInstagramFacebook).