Green beer is the perfect drink for St. Patrick’s Day, which we celebrate on March 17. This Irish national holiday is very eagerly celebrated around the world. Although green beer does not belong to the Irish tradition, it is associated with St. Patrick’s Day (Irish folk tend to celebrate it with their national beverage – whiskey).

This easy drink looks stunning and impressive but at the same time, it is so easy to make! There are a few ways you could get it and we will show you how to do it! You will impress your friends with those simple tricks.

The recipe for green beer is very simple and everyone will easily prepare this drink at home. So what are you waiting for???

Ingredient for green beer:

  • beer
  • blue dye or tincture or blue curacao or any other alcoholic/nonalcoholic blue liquor


  1. Pour beer into a beer pitcher
  2. Then slowly add blue dye or liquor until you get the desired colour. Do it slowly because you don’t want to add too much of blue pigment to the beverage. Also if you chose to add liquor like blue curacao remember not to overdo the quantity. Our goal is only to make a green beer, not to increase the alcohol content in the drink.
  3. Enjoy!

If you want to try our other “green” recipes you can find them here. We especially recommend green Widow drink and Mexican guacamole. Both recipes are easy to do and they taste phenomenal.

Send to us photos of your creation and tag us on social media @cravemonkeypl (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook).