We have the end of April and the best part of it… Is the fact, that the season for asparagus is here! Of course here in Poland. We are aware that the season for this veggie can differ from country to country. For example, in the USA, asparagus is in season from February until June (lucky them!!!).
Asparagus Varieties:
Asparagus can be green, purple or white.
White asparagus tastes exactly the same as green. It’s just grown underneath soil or sand which prevents it from turning the normal green we’re used to. It also tends to be on a thicker side in comparison to the green ones.
Purple version is a bit sweeter than the green and white varieties due to higher sugar content.

How To Choose Asparagus:
- The heads must be firm, unbroken and green.
- There must be no mould on the heads and stems.
- Stems must be quite firm, with the bottom endings may be less, because they will be cut off or broken in the peeling process.
- It must smell nice.
- They should be of equal size, so they cook more easily.
- The average thickness of asparagus, as well as the finer ones, are less gunky.
How To Store It:
If not used within a day or two, asparagus ends should be trimmed and placed upright in a shallow glass of water or stood upright and wrapped with a damp cloth and placed in the refrigerator.

How To Prepare It:
Snap or cut the tough ends off of each spear and wash the asparagus under cold water to remove any sand. The green variety doesn’t need to be peeled, whereas the white ones definitely should be. Remember to leave the head intact.
They can be eaten raw, boiled, steamed, roasted or my personal favourite, grilled. Very soon we will have for you, recipes of our favourite ways to eat this glorious veggie. Stay tuned!
How to cook it:
- Put asparagus on a wooden board and cut off the bottom tip, more or less at 1/4 point from the bottom. You can also snap the endings off (they will naturally snap in the right place)
- Asparagus must be peeled from hard fibres. If you have thin green ones leave them as is.
- Put asparagus in a pot with water, so that the heads protrude above the surface. Add 1 tsp of sugar and salt. If you don’t have a special pot just an ordinary one, bind them to a loose bunch, and put it on the bottom of the pot. From boiling, cook it for about 5-8 minutes (green) 8-12 minutes (white).
- Take them out and they are ready.
Here you will find the best asparagus recipes.
Send to us photos of your favourite asparagus dish and tag us on social media @cravemonkeypl (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook).